El sistema universitario de Estados Unidos es el más prestigioso y reconocido del mundo.

Existen diversas opciones de estudio ofrecidas por las más de 4.000 universidades distribuidas por el país.

Estados Unidos es el país con el mayor número de estudiantes internacionales del mundo (aproximadamente el 4% de los estudiantes matriculados son internacionales).

En los últimos 20 años, el número de graduados en los Estados Unidos ha crecido en casi un 40%.

Latest videos

2 January, 2018

Entrevista a Jeff Brooks

En esta entrevista, Jeff Brooks, actual jugador del Unicaja Málaga […]
29 October, 2017

HALLOWEEN – Rito ancestral o ficción de los medios

Halloween se ha convertido en toda una fiesta, que especialmente […]

Latest post

16 March, 2019

March Madness, la locura del baloncesto universitario

El March Madness es el campeonato de la Division I […]
15 February, 2019

¿Quieres estudiar ingeniería? EEUU es el mejor lugar

Para quienes desean estudiar ingeniería, en cualquiera de sus ramas, EEUU […]
  • "I did a very productive course, that allowed me learn English very quick and meet friends from different nationalities. In 1 month I improved a lot, and after 3 months I was able to talk at any type of conversation."
    Alicia Meco (Spain)
    English Student - Valparaiso University
  • "Work with AC has been great, they have worked very serious, delicate and a fantastic result. Now my son is enjoying a new school year very beneficial at every aspect, academic, sports and personal.
    Raquel Camargo (Spain)
    Mother of Pepe Alcazar (Tennis Player) - Millersville University
  • "Being on a college campus, away from home and meeting life friends I still have today. Definitely some of the most memorable years of my life"
    Kyle Fogg (USA)
    Professional Basketball Player - University of Arizona
  • "Today I can say that I took the right decision to come to study in United States and that has opened many other opportunities."
    Mariano Scavone (Paraguay)
    Engineer student - Texas A&M University
  • "I contacted with AC Scholarships, and it was the right decision!. They arranged everything for my American adventure. I improved as a player and developed my English, but more important I lived an unique and enriching experience."
    Paula Justel (Spain)
    Professional Basketball Player - DME Sports

If your dream is to study in the US,

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Contact us, and in addition to answering your questions, we will advise you to find the best opportunities.
